Ways To Quit Smoking

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I know, it's true… there are so many available ways to quit smoking on the market. But how do you find one that works? This article aims at explaining the most common of them, suggests other different approaches like creative visualization and meditation and outlines some suggestions to use when selecting a method to quit.
But wait… you may wonder, shouldn't there be a single method that could work in every case? I'm going to be honest with you, although I am aware I will upset some "gurus" who claim their program has a success rate of 100%. The truth is that there is no universal way to quit smoking for the simple reason that people are DIFFERENT!
You see, each of us shares a different cultural background, social conditioning or mental patterns and tendencies when it comes to smoking. Some of us smoke to alleviate stress, others to overcome boredom and still others to better enjoy their social situations.
Some are deeply aware of the health effects and want to quit smoking mainly because of that, while for others the financial aspect is becoming an issue of concern.
You can also easily spot differences among people simply by paying attention to the different types of cars they buy, the types of partners they fall in love with or the vast array of other personal preferences. From all this, you can easily come to the logical conclusion that indeed there should be many ways to quit smoking tailored to different types of people.
Now, let's outline some of the most common ways to quit smoking. For details on each method you can visit the website listed at the end of this article.
Cold TurkeyThis method requires quitting smoking abruptly without using any nicotine patch, pill or any other aid. Studies reveal that when a person attempts to quit smoking cold turkey, b motivational factors are involved. Also, in order for the method to be effective, you must allow for a preparation period in which, for example, you can get enough motivation or develop some amount of will power.
HypnosisThe method has recently started to gain in popularity mainly due to its simplicity and presumable efficacy. The idea is that by directly influencing your subconscious mind, you can easily change your deep-seated mental patterns related to smoking. However, there are some conditions you must meet before any successful attempt should be tried: you must allow to be hypnotized, you must believe in the method, and you must feel comfortable and relaxed when a session is in progress.
LaserAlthough it originated rather recently (in the 80s in Canada), it is said to be an effective method although there aren't enough studies to validate its effectiveness. It works by applying a special, painless laser on certain points on your body. In turn, this produces a calming, relaxing effect similar to the body's reaction to nicotine. Many consider the procedure just a placebo effect, while for others it proved really effective.
Quit Smoking PillsSimplicity and fast results is what we all want, don't we? The quit smoking pill seems to finally be the solution we have been missing for so long. Zyban, Wellbutrin or Chantix are some brand names you can find on the market. Be careful, though! Side effects can show up, so it is always advisable to consult a specialist before taking any kind of pill!!!
AcupunctureThis 3,500 year old remedy is based on the presumption that a vital energy, called "chi" flows through 12 key channels in your body, and in turn, these channels have at least 365 acupuncture points. When these points get blocked, it leads to different problems in the body. By using thin needles placed on different points, the vital energy is restored leading to harmonious function of the affected body part. Recently, the principles of acupuncture have begun to be used for quitting smoking too, and results have shown that it helps reduce the intensity of the cravings.
Will PowerPeople who value self reliance more than anything else select this method from the many ways to quit smoking available. However, you must clearly understand how will power operates, and most importantly how this skill can be developed by using special will power exercises. Will power works just like a muscle, in other words the more you develop it the ber it becomes. Systematic training can bring this much coveted skill under your own control.
Creative VisualizationThis relatively new techniques it's based on the popular Law of Attraction, in other words, what we imagine in our mind's eye will come to pass. By using a special type of visualization you can, in time and with practice, alter your subconscious mind and consequently kick the habit out of your life. The method is detailed on the website available at the end of this article.
MeditationMeditation has become very popular these days, and its benefits are indeed numerous. For quitting smoking, you can apply what I call the "No Meditation Meditation" in which you practically learn to "witness" your cravings when they appear. Check the website for more details.
Quitting Smoking GraduallyIf you plan to quit smoking gradually, it is better to decide in advance how many cigarettes you want to cut out and when the final quitting day should be. Some amount of will power is still required, so it is advisable to first learn more about your power of will and how can it help you with the process.
Herbal ProductsLobelia, coltsfoot, mullein, horehound, mimosa, caosu, clove, primrose and chamomile are some herbs that have proven effective to some people. Studies reveal that they have proven more effective when used in conjunction with alternative therapies. Also, it is always recommended to consult a doctor before considering any herbal alternative.
Wow! So many methods...how should I choose one? My advice is to use you emotional intelligence when you try to select one of the ways to quit smoking presented here. In other words, choose one that "feels" right for you.
For example, people more inclined to spirituality may consider meditation or hypnosis while for some the cold turkey or will power approach could be a better alternative.
Visit the website listed below, get informed, choose a method and start enjoying a smoke-free life today!

How to Speed up Metabolism in 5 Easy Steps

Your metabolism is the key to any weight loss goals you wish to meet. By simply increasing the rate at which you burn calories you can lose weight and keep it off. If you want to know how to speed up metabolism then consider starting with these 5 easy steps.
1. Quit skipping breakfast - The first meal of the day jump starts your metabolism and provides the energy you need to get through the first part of the day. Drinking a cup of coffee and eating a donut does not count. While they may make it feel like you have extra energy this soon passes and leaves you feeling fatigued and hungry later in the morning. You need complex carbohydrates along with some protein and fat to keep you energy levels on an even keel through the morning.
2. Eat more meals - If you eat a small healthy meal every three to four hours you will see a marked increase in your metabolism along with energy levels. This works because it keeps your blood sugars at a constant level through out the day which keeps those late day hunger pangs away. In fact your metabolism will slow down as the day progresses in order to conserve its energy stores.
3. Protein - Be sure to include protein with each meal as protein helps reduce your appetite by making you feel full for longer. Research studies have proven that eating more protein helps you lose weight without the need to cut calories.
4. Stop snacking - This ties into the eating 5 or 6 small meals through out the day. When we begin to feel fatigued the first thing we reach for is a sugary snack or soda of some sort to help perk us up. All this does is cause a spike in blood sugar which more often then not gets stored away as fat. If you do feel tired get your heart rate up and your blood pumping by getting up and moving around. If you are hungry have a snack that is high in protein and complex carbohydrates for more long term energy.
5. Eat enough calories - Cutting too many calories can have the disastrous effect of actually slowing down your metabolism as your body begins to go into starvation mode. The key is to consume enough calories to meet your body's daily energy needs by eating healthy foods high in complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and mineral, fiber, and some fat. Cut the processed foods from your diet and you will soon see good results.
Any good weight loss program begins with your metabolism and learning how to speed up metabolism is the key to its success. Starting with these five easy tips can get you started meeting your fat loss goals.