Tuesday, September 30, 2008
It doesn't show any symptoms until in the later stages. In some cases, it is painless, which is the saddest part because it escapes from being detected thus, until too much harm is already caused.
Never think that you can't get breast cancer, for anyone can get it, no matter your age or genetics, although that may play a part in it. Breast cancer can spread quickly so yearly check up will help you to avoid the cancer.
To discover and talk with someone who has successfully fought breast cancer all their lives, and are still surviving it is very heartening - whether it is someone you, yourself, or someone you know - the fight gives tremendous strength in times when making through it seems impossible. This strength will hold you up when people ridicule you, or mock at you for taking the cancer so seriously.
It's possible that the task might seem depressingly superficial, and you may not know that you're not to fend off the disease. Intuiting another person's feelings requires compassion and a callous person might overlook the complexities of your situation, disregarding your emotional reaction.
Think about this, if everyone did sympathize with you, then you all would be crying. Be strong and know what your doctor does about your health and do not be afraid to ask questions. Take care of your body because it's the only one you get.
Surviving breast cancer requires a strong will as shown by those who have survived. Just because you feel scared, does not mean that you are weak. You will begin to get weak if you get scared and start giving up. Releasing negative emotions encourages and stimulates a swift recovery.
Angst and worry are not sins in and of themselves because they're natural parts of the healing process- just don't obsess over them.
Do not think of your disease. Forget that you are ill. Even when you are ill, you should live every moment of your life to its fullest. Focusing your attention on things that bring you pleasure is an important part of the recovery process. As time goes by, you'll notice you are less preoccupied with your illness, and you'll notice your loved ones are always there by your side.
One final note. I'm sure you've heard that attitude is everything, and when your battling cancer keeping a positive attitude can be a very hard thing to do. I can not stress enough the importance of a positive attitude, studies have shown that patients who can maintain a positive attitude throughout their cancer treatment have a better chance of beating this awful disease.
Author Resource:-> breast cancer